example verb into nouns with the sentences
1. Entertain Can you entertain my friend
entertainment Do you like entertainment news
2. Govern The president of Indonesia always govern the ministers
government The government of Indonesia always work hard
3. Manage The teacher ask me to manage my job
Management Management in this factory is very good
4. Argue Budi argue that his homework is difficult
Argument Dian gives Andy argument slowly
5. Advertise She told me that I have to advertise her product
Advertisement I don’t like his advertisement
6. Arrange Dena ask me to arrange this job
arrangement Justin’s hobby is arrangement music
7. Punish My father punish me now
punishment I will accept this punishment
8. Announce Headmaster of this school announce that next week is holiday
Announcement Randi please send the announcement
9. Develop I hope you can develop this product
development Sir how about the development in this factory
10. Measure Did you measure my dress?
measurement Do you know measurement of my shoes?
11. Replace It’s time for you to replace her
Replacement Agung it’s time for replacement again
12. Wonder Aip wonder with the football player no.7
Wonderment Randy is very wonderment about that
14. Understate Why you understate me
Understatement Ali and Reni understatement my problem
15. Repay The consumer repay this product
Repayment Sir how can I repayment this product
baca juga : noun and verbs
16. Enter I forgot how to enter this room
Entrance Do you know where the entrance
17. Connect Reza why the internet not connect?
Connection Kiki and wahyu have a some connection
18. Adopt I will adopt this child
Adoption Mr. Adi can adoption one child
19. Collect Dena collect rare money
collection I like you’re collection
20. Inform You should inform them
Information The reporter give some information
21. Improve She can improve his attitude
Improvement You should give some improvement
22. Active My phone was active
Activation Please wait the activation card
23. Educate I still educate in this school
Education Education is important
24. Act Act like a man
Action I like you’re action
25. Add He will add phone number
Addition We need addition staff
baca juga : distinguish sounds symbols and spelling