Expressions and Issues to be considered when arranging a meeting as secretary

 Expressions and Issues to be considered when arranging a meeting as secretary

ekpresi atau kalimat yang biasa digunakan sekertaris dalam mengatur pertemuan

1.Making arrangements

Could we meet on Monday at 10.30?

Are you free sometime next week?

How about next Friday?

What about April 10th?

Would Wednesday at 2pm suit you?

Is 11.15 convenient?

Ekspresi bahasa Inggris sekertaris

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2. Changing arrangements

I’m afraid I can’t come on Friday/then.

We’ve got an appointment for 11.00, but I’m afraid something’s come up.

Could we fix another time?

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3. Responding 

That’ll be fine.

That’s ok.

No sorry, I can’t make it then.

My diary’s rather full that day/week.

Sorry, I’ve already got an appointment at that time.

reference :

Regina Rezende.ENGLISH FOR SECRETARIES.Wall Street Institute Berrini

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