Expressions and Issues to be considered when arranging a meeting as secretary
ekpresi atau kalimat yang biasa digunakan sekertaris dalam mengatur pertemuan
1.Making arrangements
Could we meet on Monday at 10.30?
Are you free sometime next week?
How about next Friday?
What about April 10th?
Would Wednesday at 2pm suit you?
Is 11.15 convenient?
baca juga :
Routine phrasal verbs that ussualy use by secretary
2. Changing arrangements
I’m afraid I can’t come on Friday/then.
We’ve got an appointment for 11.00, but I’m afraid something’s come up.
Could we fix another time?
baca juga :
rutinitas dan pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh seorang sekertaris
3. Responding
That’ll be fine.
That’s ok.
No sorry, I can’t make it then.
My diary’s rather full that day/week.
Sorry, I’ve already got an appointment at that time.
reference :
Regina Rezende.ENGLISH FOR SECRETARIES.Wall Street Institute Berrini