Articulatorss are parts of the vocal tract that can be used to form sounds.
* teeth
* Alveolar Ridge : the small protuberance behind the upper lip
* Hard Palate : the front part of roof of the mouth →formed by a bony structure
* Soft Palate (velum) : muscular flap at the back of the roof of the mouth
* Uvula : small appendage hanging down at the lower end of the velum.
* Pharynx : part of the vocal tract between the uvula and the larynx
* Tongue:
~ Tip and Blade → most mobile parts
~ Body of the tongue
▲Front : behind the blade, lies underneath the hard palate
▲Center : partly beneath the hard palate and the softpalate
▲ Back : beneath the soft palate
▲ Root : opposite the back wall of the pharynx
* Epligottis