*argumentative essay
Sekolah dengan khusus gender tertentu
Are single sex-schools a good idea?
Single sex-school is the type of school that the student in the school is only one gender. Probably this type of school for most of us is rather unfamiliar. Schools that is opened to anyone, both boys and girl, the school is called a heterogeneous school. Whereas, if the school is devoted to only one sex or gender, the school is called a homogeneous school. Actually this homogenous school applies a system that is the same as a regular school, but the difference is that the students are only one gender.Generaly,this type of school is built by a religious foundation or a private foundation. The existence of this type of school now is more widespread in Indonesia. Certainly, this type of school has advantages and disadvantages. But, are single sex-schools a good idea?.
Single sex-school makes students more expresive.This is because they will not be ashamed or fear mocked by their opposite gender. It can cause student feel comfort and more free to express their self which is good for them. Because they are all both guys or girls, automatically single sex-school’ students have one same feeling, and make them compact. For example Greg, a De Brito college high school alumni (via kumparan.com),said that his partnership with his school friends became very strong because he went through a lot of fun together. They will easy to socialize with their friend, it caused by they are more free to express their self, thus they will have more confidence to interact each other. If they feel comfort and expressive it will help them in their learning. Some experts also said that, lack of pressure and competition with their opposite gender gives rise to more welcoming attitudes toward peers of the same biological gender/sex. It is indicates that even though they are more free to express themselves, yet their attitudes and behaviour still under control.
Single-sex school makes students more independent and responsible. The ability of students to achieve responsibility and social independence behaviour is one aspect of social maturity. Because of one gender, homogenous school students are also taught to dare to be responsible and certainly far more independent. For example some Santa Ursula Jakarta High School girl students who are willing to climbs wall for decorations if there is an open house event. The factor that cause it happen is there is no anyone (boy students) in that place, so it is required them to did that. By living away from our biological parents means that we must be independent and learn to not always depending on other people. Based on research which conducted by Peni Ramanda and Amalatul Khairat (lecturer at Mathla’ul Anwar University) in private Madrasah Aliyah (MAS) Ar-Risalah and Tabiyyah Islamiyah batang kabung, that ability of students who come from heterogeneous schools to achieve responsible social behaviour is lower than students who come from homogeneous schools. When students are sex-severated it makes them more independent and responsible. Grouping students by sex or gender will make students actively participate in class and able to do social responsibility (Ormrod, 2016). Based on the facts and data, it shows that students from homogeneous schools have higher ability to achieve social independences and responsibility behaviour.
Single sex-school increase students’ effectiveness in learning. Because of they are more free to express themselves, it can makes them more active in learning. Students in homogeneous schools are same gender or sex, so there is no restrictions and barriers for them to express themselves, so that interactions among students are more open. In heterogeneous schools usually most students feel ashamed if they want to ask about lessons or other behaviour, for example in biology when learning about reproductions. Mixture between male and female students can cause students ashamed and they may will avoid asking several questions. In additions, relationship in homogeneous schools are better maintained than heterogeneous schools, because there is no opposite gender in the school. The focus of students in learning is also higher because they will not be interrupted by the opposite gender. Thus, the completions will be interrupted and even stronger among students in the schools, which is good for them. Various studies show that female students are better off in homogeneous schools than in heterogeneous schools, both in terms of academics and self-concepts (Maersh, 2004; Kayes, 2004; Schemo, 2004; Takahashi, 1997). Single sex-schools also provide wider opportunities for female students to explore ideological and interpersonal identities, compared to heterogeneous schools.
Single sex-school is the type of school that the student in the school is only one gender. Probably this type of school for most of us is rather unfamiliar. Even though there are people think people that single-sex school can make students get bored easily in school and etcetera. Single-sex school actually has many advantages that can establish the character of students. Single sex-school makes students more expressive. It makes students more independent and responsible. It increase students’ effectiveness in learning. Because of they are freer to express themselves, it can makes them more active in learning. So, from those things are single sex-schools a good idea?. I think single-sex school is a good type of school which can develop student’ ability especially their independences and responsibilities. The focus of students in learning is also higher because they will not be interrupted by the opposite gender. Thus, the completions will be interrupted and even stronger among students in the schools, which is good for them.
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